Sunday, March 29, 2009

MODULE #5: Media and Leadership - Learning The Persuasive Language of Media

1) The advertisement at first appeals to my REPTILIAN brain (at the beginning, when the pandas come out of no where, you wonder what they are going to do), my LIMBIC brian, (when you see the pandas just dancing around while the photographer is eating a Kit Kat), my NEOCORTEX brian (when you see the relation between two pandas dancing and a Kit Kat)

2) -SYMBOLS: the Kit Kat logo at the beginning.
-PLAIN FOLKS: a normal guy is trying so hard to take a picture of pandas.
-HUMOR: us (the audience), knows that the pandas are out while the guy that is wanting to see it is just enjoying a Kit Kat.
-SIMPLE SOLUTIONS: if you just need a break eat a Kit Kat, that's what they're trying to say.
-FLATTERY: persuading that everyone needs a break.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome to MODULE #3: Our Brains on Media

This video you use your REPTILIAN brain. When you first start watching this you are probably wondering what does a window being cleaned have to do with anything? Well when you first see that the first person bumps into the clear window, you probably jumped because you felt the person's pain. So therefore, you felt what that person felt so you were using your REPTILIAN brain.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

MODULE #2: Michelle's Personal Media Inventory

BOOKS - Do you read books? What kinds of books do you like to read? What’s a book you are currently reading that you are enjoying?
-I really like reading books. I actually started reading lots of book about a year ago, because before I did not really like reading. I really like reading fiction - like drama, mystery, romance, and funny. I am currently reading ‘Just Friends’ by Robyn Sisman. So far, this book is pretty good. I have read the whole series of Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, I think almost every girl that has read that series enjoyed reading it because it was pretty amazing. I also read ‘Crank’ by Ellen Hopkins, I am hoping on reading the other book this author has written as well. But overall I really enjoy reading.

NEWSPAPERS/MAGAZINES – Do you read newspapers or magazines? What kinds of newspapers and magazines do you enjoy and why?
-I enjoy reading fashion magazine like Vogue, Seventeen Magazine, and People. I really like to know what is in ‘style’ even though I am not like a fashion freak, that loves to be on style. But I do enjoy knowing what is in ‘style’. I also like reading Sports Magazines, like ESPN The Magazine, I like keeping updated on Sports. And I also like reading the local newspaper.

MUSIC – Do you listen to or play music? What kinds of music do you like to listen to? How do you listen to music – via cassettes, MP3 files, radio, or live performances? Who is a musician you currently are listening to?
-I really like listening to music, I do not know how to play any instrument, but I really like hearing other people play. I find it amazing how someone could play so good. Well the ‘type’ of music I am like always listening to rock, alternative rock, bachata, meregue, and mostly all Spanish music. One of my favorite bands are Paramore, Metro Station in English. And in Spanish my favorite band of bachata is Aventura. Ever since I was little I loved that group. Some solo artist I really enjoy hearing is Kelly Clarkson,Gwen Stefani, and Britney Spears. But I really do not like a favorite genre that I like. Most of the time when I am hearing music I listen to my iPOD or radio when I am in the car. So overall music plays a huge role in my life. Actually next month I am going to see Britney Spears perform live, I am really excited for that! =D

TELEVISION – Do you watch television? (I have not watched TV for 20 years, but I used to watch hours of TV a day as a kid). What kinds of TV do you like to watch and why?
-I rarely watch television, but when I do watch it, I’m either watching One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, 90210, Privileged, and almost every night I watch the Spanish News with my mother. But I really like to watch chick flicks. I guess it’s because I’m a girl. But I only watch those shows for entertainment. But when I watch the news, I find it very interesting what’s happening around the world.

VIDEO GAMES – Do you play video games? Which games do you play and why? What is your favorite video game experience right now?
-I don’t really play videos games, maybe is because the only “boy” of the house, is my dad. And I have an older sister, therefore I never really was that interested in video games. But the couple times I have played, it’s really fun. The most recent game I’ve played is on a Wii, but other than that I don’t really play video games, but I’m pretty sure it’s fun to play.

COMPUTERS – Do you use computers much? What kinds of things do you do on your computer?
-Well I go on the computer probably on a daily basis to check my e-mails, chat with friends, play online games, to check if there’s any homework, and get directions. So I usually get information from computers. I also use Paint, Microsoft Works. But overall, my family and myself use the computers a whole lot.

INTERNET – Do you spend much time on the Internet? What kinds of activities do you most enjoy pursuing on the Internet?
-When I use the internet, I am usually on MySpace, or MSN to chat with friends. But now that I am involved in the DOTCOM program, I use Blogger more often. But overall, I use the Internet almost every single day.

1. Books

2. Internet

3. Music
4. Computers

5. Newspapers/Magazines

6. Video Games

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Knowledge Tree.

-Well as some of you might know my name is Michelle Lopez. I am one of the participants that was chosen to be part of the DOTCOM program. But first I want to tell you a little about myself. First off, I was born in New Jersey, but moved down to Florida when I was five. My parents are from Colombia, therefore I do know how to speak Spanish. I am currently a freshmen at Cypress Creek High School. At this moment, all my classes are honors, and I have one AP class. I am in a program called AVID. One of my goals in life is to go to college, get an excellent education. Right now, I want to study to become a college Math teacher, hopefully I accomplish that. One of my hobbies is to read, on my spare time I read interesting books. I really enjoy having good grades, it makes my parents happy and it sure makes me happy as well. When you first get to meet me, I might give the impression that I am really shy, but once you get to know me, I really am not. I am a very open-minded person, I mostly always think outside the box. If I have an opionion about something, I will most likely say it. But overall, I am a pretty laid back person, that is open to learn new things.

-One of my favorite media right now are books. At this moment I am about to finish the Twilight seris. I am on the last book, Breaking Dwan. This seris is very good, the author Stephenie Meyer, gives so much detail that you actually feel like your in the scene. That is how you know the book is worth reading. About a year ago, I really disliked reading but I started one day, and I found out that there really is very good books out there. The reason why this type of media plays a huge role in my life is because, I am almost always reading. Like for example, in school when I finish my work early, I take out a book and start reading it, at night before I go to sleep I read.

-One thing i am concerened about is, being that the schools budget is being cut low in my community. So the School Board thinks it is a good idea to cut down the sports to save money. I am truly against, but I haven't really done anything about it. But what I have done is, keep updated on the news if the decision is made, but so far it hasn't. So hopefully they make the decision soon, so i can find out.

-In the DOTCOM program I am really looking foward in sharing my ideas about how media influences our lives. I would also like to learn more about other cultures, and how that affects their media. I am hoping that when I am finished with this experience I learn a lot new stuff of media. I am really excited that I am part of this project, and that I am participated in this great expierence. I am really honored to say I am part of this project. (:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well I just wanted to introduce myself to DOTCOM. My name is Michelle Lopez, I am a participant in your program. I really wanted to thank you for choosing me, I sure won't let you down. I'm up for learning anything new. I am really looking forward in working my hardest.